Monday, November 05, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Life in an Urban Setting

So a few bizarre things have happened in the last 24 hours.

First my best friend called to tell me that his dad had emergency brain surgery yesterday 4 hours from here. His dad seems to be okay but it has led to a massive bender for my friend which is a completely different issue.

Second,my parents had some great excitement last night/early this morning. They live on a cul de sac but their driveway is off of a major street. They have a tall wall and an 8 foot wooden gate. This morning about 1 am someone started ringing the bell on the back gate. So they went to check. All they could see under the gate were a pair of white sneakers. They could hear the person talking from inside the house. All they could hear was crazy nonsense though. He kept ringing the bell and finally my parents were frightened enough that they call the cops. As my mother described it this morning "It was just like on the TV shows." Needless to say 9 cops rapidly showed up and cornered the guy from inside the backyard and from the driveway from the street. She called at 7 am to tell me all of this.

Third, when I went to the bank today I was questioned by a guy walking down the street if I had any change to spare cause he needed to eat. This guy was your classic bum. Not necessarily homeless but in my book anyone who is walking down the street at 12:45 in the pm with a malt liquor tall boy is a bum. Especially if they appear to be able bodied enough to work.

Fourth, Hoopties. I mean how do you justify your rims costing vastly more than your car. And the colors. It is just not natural for you car to be a shocking neon color with matching neon undercarriage lighting.

I guess that is all for now. I am sitting at my local bar which I have actually been avoid for the last 3 weeks or so since I quit smoking a month ago yesterday. This place makes it hard for me to be strong about the non smoking. But I seem to be doing okay tonight. It seems to be fairly crowded. Basketball on the big tv's and on the projection screen. Duke is beating Clemson which oddly makes me happy. I guess that probably has to do with CO Boy since I am so mad at him. Well anyway before I give away who I am I will sign off

Remember to put your phone in the freezer and the ice in your pocket. :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Today B3 and I went to the mall. She was looking for a dress. No such luck but I did get a great shirt and some workout clothes. I hope that writing isn't this hard every time I decide to blog otherwise I might just not stick with it.

I have had a fairly boring few weeks. I went to see my favorite band on Thursday night with the law student. Had a great time. Stood right up front. Ran into someone I used to know. He's been working there for 6 years or so and looks great. He's really cleaned himself up. I was supposed to go to another show on Friday but I had a bizarre allergic reaction at work and decided that it would be a bad idea. Tonight I have been sitting around the house watching TV. I should have been working on the house but I just didn't feel like it.

I just saw a preview for the movie The Number 23. Looks freaky. I'm not a big fan of freaky movies. I actually left the theater during the House on Haunted Hill. I really freaked me out and of course it didn't help that we were the only people in the theater.

This blog entry has only taken me an hour or so to compose so I think I'll stop now. It never took me so long to write in my actual journal but I also didn't always write in it regularly either. Maybe this will get me writing more often although I am sure even though I am trying to not censor myself I will to a certain degree.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Begining

I've never really blogged before. I love to write in my journal (usually at the YAD) but have never really felt the need to share it on the net or with the world in general. But I had to have an account for another reason so I guess I might give it a try. Who knows what I will end up writing about. Stay tuned.

Quote of the day: (from
Happiness is someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.
(I think that it was from a chinese proverb)